Cookie Settings

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Your privacy is important to us - as is improving the user-friendliness of our websites. That's why we want you to know exactly how and why we use cookies.

When you visit our website, cookies, web beacons, javascripts and local data ("cookies") are stored on your device. Cookies are necessary so that your device can collect data (via Javascript), which it then stores as small, simple text files (so-called cookies) and then sends them at the appropriate time (via web beacons). These cookies allow our website to recognize your device the next time you visit it.

Which cookies do we store and why?

Functional cookies
These cookies are necessary for some of the basic functions and are therefore automatically saved when you visit our website. These cookies remember your preferences when using our websites. They are also used to distribute the load on our servers, to keep our website available and for security purposes.

Functional cookies serve the following purposes:
• Recognize your preferences for future page views
• Join multiple requests during one session
• Save your settings, e.g. B. Product filter, comparison settings, language, location and number of search results to be displayed
• Remembering items you add to your shopping list while shopping online
• Incomplete order notifications so you don't lose your shopping list
• For safe shopping on Nikon websites
• Websites and apps are kept in sync to keep them functional and accessible
• To identify abuse and potential problems with our websites, apps and services, e.g. B. by registering consecutive failed login attempts

There is no consent requirement for the use of functional cookies, which enable the basic functions of the website and have no or very limited impact on your privacy.

Analysis cookies
These cookies are used to collect data about how visitors use Nikon websites. This includes information on the most visited pages and the number of error messages displayed. With the help of analysis cookies, we create usage statistics for our websites. These cookies help Nikon to improve the websites.

We use Google Analytics to compile summarized statistics on the visits to our websites. For this purpose we have concluded a data processing agreement with Google. The data collected by Google Analytics is shared with other Google services.

The following data is stored in the analysis systems via cookies:

• Your IP address
• Technical features such as e.g. B. Browser used (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox etc.) and screen resolution
• From which page you accessed the Nikon website
• When and how long you visited and used the Nikon websites
• How you use the functions of the websites. B. creating a shopping list, placing an online order or viewing previous purchases
• Which pages of our website you visit
• How you interact with the products and offers displayed by Nikon
• Your searches, including the results and the steps you take when placing an order
• Your transactions (with your consent)
• Your use of the Nikon Services across a variety of devices (with your consent)
• Unique identifiers, e.g. B. the visitor ID assigned to your device when you visit our websites, the hash transaction ID and hash member ID

We use this data for the following purposes:

• To track the number of page views
• To measure the length of time each visitor spends on our sites
• To know the order in which a visitor visits the pages of our website
• To assess which parts of our websites and apps need to be adjusted
• For other Google services (with your consent)

Marketing Cookies
These cookies are typically placed on Nikon's websites by marketing partners, advertising networks and social media. These third parties act as intermediaries to bring you our content, news, offers, social media postings and advertising. These third parties also collect information through our websites through their cookies. The processing of this data is subject to the privacy policies of these third parties.

Marketing cookies serve the following purposes:

• Social media connection to enable you to share content from our websites via social media
• Collecting data to customize and tailor advertising to your interests, both on and off our websites
• Limiting the amount of advertising displayed
• To better reach our visitors based on their actions by providing relevant, personalized content via email, social media, banner ads and other channels
• To measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns